Solar powered. Nature inspired. We are a community of mothers, fathers, friends, and neighbors who seek to make the places we live the way they should be — 100% energy independent.
Rises early.
Saves daily.
Solar power your home, your way, for less.
Our solar services
Rooftop Solar
Power your home with the sun
Smartflower® Solar
Your all-in-one solar system
Solar Water Heating
Cut your water bill by 50%
Whole home energy efficiency
A short film about one homeowners choice to reduce their carbon footprint and the rewards found on the other side.
Our energy efficiency services
LED Lighting
Same light. Longer life
EV Charging
Charge your car faster at home
Home Batteries
Never lose electricity again
Backup Generator
Protect what matters most
Geothermal HVAC
Savings you can feel
Tankless Heating
Live cleaner and healthier
Let's turn your home into a total powerhouse.